Like many who go into the helping professions (especially psychotherapists) the desire to help others stems from a role we develop early in life. A sensitive child sees the pain of others and wants to try to lessen it.
I didn’t start out professionally as a therapist. I did a stint in marketing management for a small company in the town I grew up in Louisiana. Later I migrated to the tech world and contracted with IBM teaching and developing training programs. Afterwards,I worked at a financial consulting firm in software development and support. In each of these setting I was always walking next to others and helping them become more effective in what they were doing.
By the time I was close to 30 I was feeling disillusioned. I wanted to step back and think about what I was doing. So I quit my job and went to graduate school to pursue a degree in counseling. I had no idea of what I would do afterwards, but I felt this was something I needed to do for myself. In the program I attended, there was a big focus on personal development. How else can you help others if you are not willing to look at yourself? I stepped back and looked at my own life. I grew. I made changes… with more to come. I was encouraged by two of my mentors to pursue a career as a therapist.
In 1991 I hung out my shingle and started working in private practice. Through the years, I have had to wrestle with a lot of personal issues and important questions:
How do we grow in maturity?
How do we learn to manage our nervous system and regulate emotions?
How do we deal with difficult people and remain kind yet firm?
How do we develop peace of mind and contentment in life?
How do we find and connect with God in a powerful way that transcends religious limitations?

I can’t say that I have answered these question in totality. But everyday I strive towards making sense of life with them in mind. Through years of experience I have stumbled upon more alternative techniques that have helped people grow in more powerful ways than I thought was possible. So hence my move from a traditional approach to a more holistic blend.
There have been several along the way that have been very encouraging to me in getting my new practice started… friends, family, patients and other professionals. I can’t name everyone… but I do want to name just a few.
Laura Buck-Balliet:
Thanks for your unbridled laughter when I expressed my fear of opening my own practice. Having someone I respect professionally and personally give me such a vote of confidence was impacting. Thanks Bro! -
Mike Lyman:
Thanks for your generosity of time and resources in helping me get this site going. You have been a valued friend for many years and it was nice being able to lean on you a little as I found my way. You Rock! -
Jill St.John:
Thanks for the painstaking hours you spent with me in editing my sometimes scattered thoughts and helping me formulate cohesive text. You have been a dear friend. I’m so glad you haven’t spontaneously combusted.